Friday 2 January 2015

Record bowls.
I love making use of old rubbishy things. Lucky it's a fad now aye.
Record bowls are so simple to make. Pop them into a warm oven over the top of a oven proof bowl (or whatever you have) for a couple of minutes (like 8  or so)
Pull it out and either with oven mitts (or nothing if your hands are like mine) mold it into the bowl or into shape that you want it to be. The vinyl is super pliable and if it doesn't quite go as planned you just get it all hot again.
The fumes from the vinyl isn't exactly good for you so some ventilation is good. I haven't ever had any problems but it's better to be safer than sorry...
We use our bowls for holding keys and money. Little bits and pieces. They would be good for wrapped lollies or that kind of thing. You just have to remember that 1; they have a small hole in them and 2; they aren't exactly the easiest thing to clean/wash.

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